Monday, December 30, 2019

Life of Simplicity - 962 Words

James A Life of Simplicity We are always taught while growing up that we must always aim for the stars, that life can always get better, if and only if you aim big. We are taught that a great life can only be achieved through material and monetary means. That your self worth is only equal to what you own. The aim of society is no longer to be free and live a life of comfort but to be a part of the bigger picture and feed the machine. Henry David Thoreau expresses his concern on these issues in detail in his works Walden and â€Å"Civil Disobedience†. Life should be led with simplicity. This is Thoreau’s mantra as he began his two-year experience of minimalist living. Thoreau is explicit that life should not be so difficult and so†¦show more content†¦As the protests grew so did the action against them. The local police were given riot gear and threw tear gas in the streets. Reporters were arrested when they tried to report on this issue. Tanks were eventually b rought in and the officers removed they’re name badges in a final act of separating themselves from their actions. This is not a government that is protecting the people or keeping them free but keeping them in line. As Thoreau said, â€Å" [The Government] does not keep the country free. It does not settle the West. It does not educate. The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished, and it would have one somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way.† The beginning of this passage really nails the issue with part of America’s government currently. It is not about freedom or educating as the passage states later. If it were about either of those others would not berate us for questioning the government’s moves. If it were about freedom would have more access to certain things that are considered to be a luxury. We would be able to do what we wanted (within reason) if that were true. The ideas of a simple life and a government that actually serves the people are two of Henry David Thoreau’s largest issues. He wrote extensively on how he lived a truly simple life and how rewarding it was. He lead a life to be somewhat envied. How many of us could just give up everything we have now and justShow MoreRelated e. e. cummings Poem of Simplicity in Life Essay1738 Words   |  7 Pagese. e. cummings Poem of Simplicity in Life This poem by e. e. cummings describes the link between age and happiness by relating the two with simplicity. With this simplicity, however, there is a break from reality, and there are consequences. We can only do what is natural for us. you shall above all things be glad and young by e. e. cummings you shall above all things be glad and young. For if youre young, whatever life you wear it will become you;and if you are glad whateversRead MoreThe Dignity of Simplicity1510 Words   |  7 PagesThe Dignity Of Simplicity (The State Of Being True By Me) I. 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