Thursday, December 5, 2019

Kirk Samuda Riordan Manufacturing free essay sample

Mr. Jeffrey Mc Nickle Riordan Manufacturing must acknowledge that the initiation of any project can get a black eye because of implementation problems. As such, they should realize that the major overall problem with implementation is that complexities associated with it, usually occurs when the solution is deployed. Hence, many of the details of implementation must be planned ahead of time. The HR amp; IT departments cannot start planning for implementation at the same time that the actually implementing is occurring. It must be noted, that the implementation stage of this project is where all the information gathered in the prior phases begin to take on a shape. This phase will reflect the construction of the detailed project results, this is where things are done, and a momentum is kicked into gear via the preparation of many programmers, who will be busy writing codes, as contractors are constructing, and Systems Analyst are frantically involved in developing materials. Diagram shows the six steps involved in the implementation phase. Coding Coding Installation Testing Documentation Training Support The first activity involved in the implementation phase is the coding activity. Riordan Manufacturing must now prepare for the designing of a system that puts into account all the information that was gathered during the prior 3 phases. Upon completion, the next sub activity required is for the programmers to commence the coding phase and to translate the design of the system into codes using the most appropriate and effective programming language. For an authorized HRIS design, the objective of this coding phase is to implement the HRIS structure in the best possible way. The coding phase will affect both the testing and maintenance activities profoundly. A set of strategically well written codes will reduce the testing and maintenance activities. However, Since the testing and maintenance cost of software are much higher than the coding cost, the objective of writing codes is intended to reduce the testing and maintenance effort. Hence, during coding the focus should be on developing programs that is easy to write. Clarity and simplicity should be of the highest importance during the coding phase. For The HRIS to be successfully coded, an important concept that helps simplify the application is structured programming. Riordan Manufacturing must emphasize on using structured programming for the development of its HRIS, with the goal being the arrangement and control flow of the application. Simplified, this means the program text should be organized in a sequence of statements that executes in a manner which makes it quite traceable. An example of what codes are, can be seen below. 10PRINT â€Å" Riordan Manufacturing Corporation â€Å" Testing the software will provide to Riordan’s management, an independent and objective view of the software, which allows Riordan Manufacturing to understand and appreciate all the processes invested in software implementation. Test techniques include the process of executing a program with the intent of finding software errors. It is very important for the managers of Riordan Manufacturing to play a role in the software testing process, and be informed of the pre-requisites or sub-processes involved in the validation of the computer program. These sub-processes must * meet the requirements that guided its design and development, * work as expected, * be implemented with the same characteristics, * satisfy the needs of stakeholders. According to Wikipedia. com, software testing, depending on the testing method employed, can be implemented at any time in the development process. Traditionally most of the test effort occurs after the requirements have been defined and the coding process has been completed, but in the agile approaches most of the test effort is on-going. As such, the methodology of the test is governed by the chosen software development methodology. The process of testing, is normally preceded by strategic coding by programmers, who normally initiate software testing as they write codes. This most naturally, is dependent on the testing method employed, and may be implemented at any point during the development process. Because of the urgency for this application, it is recommended that Riordan Manufacturing, take advantage of a more traditional model, where most of the test execution occurs after each module is defined and coded, and after the coding process has been completed. The design below is an example of the first stages of Coding the HRIS 10PRINT â€Å" Riordan Manufacturing Corporation â€Å"; SPC 20PRINT â€Å" Human Resources Information System (HRIS) † 30 PRINT â€Å" Copyright for Riordan Manufacturing 2013 – 2014† SPC;SPC 40INPUT ; PRINT â€Å" Please enter your Employee Pass code, †; EMPLPCODE 50IF EMPLPCODE = â€Å"X†, THEN 100 ELSE 200 100PRINT â€Å" Welcome to RMC – HRIS version 1. 0 â€Å" 200PRINT â€Å" Error Log – There is a problem with the software, debugging†¦. † The results of the test, reflecting the actual codes after execution are important deliverables. The diagram below shows the results of the codes written above. Because the process may be different for each computer, The HRIS program may be designed with an installer, which is a special program responsible for all the necessary functions during installation. Hence, the actual job to install this HRIS application and its configuration can be performed by the IT Staff of Riordan, or anyone familiar with computers. The fourth activity in the implementation phase is called the documentation activity, at this point the software has been written and tested, and must be documented on different premises. There are various types of documentation that accompanies the various processes or activities within the implementation phase, these are source code documentation which is the written text that comes with HRIS codes, that simply either explains how it operates or how to use it, and may mean various things to individuals in different roles. It must be noted that documentation is an integral function of the engineering of this HRIS application. There are a few types of documentation that are very important prior to the completion of the implementation. They are the Requirements Documentation and the End User Documentation. The Requirements Documentation will include the capabilities, qualities, attributes, and characteristics of the HRIS, reflecting the foundation for what has been designed and implemented, and how the new HRIS will function. The End User Documentation is very descriptive of the individual options and features of the new Application, and will assist the user in realizing and effectively using all the features of the new HRIS. Simplicity and consistency are valuable tools as they constitute a software contract specifying functionalities outlined within the initial design. The fifth and sixth activities in the implementation phase are the training and support activities. It is very important that Riordan Manufacturing have their IT Team, train all members of staff on how to effectively use this new HRIS, or its intended purpose will be defeated. Training is the conduit that brings people to the software, which ultimately will reflect the intended purpose of the development, and generate the expected results. Maintaining and supporting the HRIS is very important as it ensures that problems as they occur are corrected, and that changes that bring out the expected resolve are done promptly and for the benefit of Riordan. Conclusively, the benefits of using defined and repeatable processes for accomplishing these activities for the implementation stage will show that companies such as Riordan will have a higher rate of success. The development of repeatable processes reduces unwanted variation and allows for the more efficient use of limited resources. It’s very essential that an ongoing collaboration between HR and IT be realized so as to permit the continued updating of the organizations goals and objectives and the education of stakeholders. Imperative to the defined processes, is a concise documentation and understanding of the current business culture; and the application of these insights towards the development of repeatable processes which align with the desired business results of Riordan Manufacturing’s ability to find its significant process variations and gaps. References www. Wikipedia. com http://www. tdktech. com/repeatable-processes

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