Sunday, December 22, 2019

H. H. Holmes - 1891 Words

The Real Monster of the Midway Serial Killers are nothing new to today’s society. Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy shocked our nation with their violent, brutal, and at times unbelievable crimes, although none of them were as notorious as Herman Webster Mudgett better known as Dr. H.H. Holmes. A man that carried himself as a smart, intellectual member of society, but in reality he was a smooth talking conman and very disturbed individual. A man who designed and built a building with torture rooms that would serve as his play house. Being born and raised in Chicago, I enjoy learning about its rich history. I had heard about this serial killer before, but I was not aware of his complete story. I am taking this†¦show more content†¦He had several stores and a restaurant in the building. The third floor had rooms and offices to rent and it contained Holmes’s bedroom but it was the 2nd floor that had the horrible secret of the building. This floor had 35 rooms all designed as killing chambers, his victims would get caught up in this maze where doors lead nowhere and once they would turn a corner Holmes would surprise them and eventually kill them. Now the basement was worst of them all he had a chute that led down there so he could easily dispose of the bodies, it was like a medieval torture chamber, acid vats, quick lime pits and crematorium and this is where he would clean his victim’s bones and mount them and sell them to local universities and medical schools. Now, I have heard of some of the things that serial killers have done but this takes the cake, it made my stomach turn. In the fall of 1889, Holmes meets Benjamin Frelon Pitezel; He had a wife, Carrie and 5 children, Dessie, Alice, Nellie, Howard and infant son Wharton. He came to Chicago after traveling the Midwest for 10 years because he continually failed at keeping a job and he also had been arrested several times for crimes ranging from petty larceny to forgery, he also drank heavily. He was looking for a job and answers an ad for a carpenter for a building being built in Englewod. There he meets H.H. Holmes and they become friends. He becomes Holmes’sShow MoreRelatedH. H. Holmes2284 Words   |  10 PagesDR. H. H. Holmes, One of Americas first Serial Killers. Tommy Smith Criminal Justice Case Study Instructor: Dennis Stephens 3/24/11 Bibliography Borowski, John (November 2005). Estrada, Dimas. ed. The Strange Case of Dr. H. H. Holmes: Worlds First Serial Killer. West Hollywood, CA: Waterfront Productions. â€Å"H. H. Holmes Biography.† 2011 AE Television Networks Holmes, H. H. Holmes Own Story. Burk McFetridge, 1895. Ramsland, KatherineRead MoreCase study on Dr. H. H. Holmes1268 Words   |  6 Pages Clinical Psychology Case study of Dr. H.H. 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Holmes was a successful serial killer because he wasRead MoreDr. H. H. Holmes: Americas First Serial Killer Essay1527 Words   |  7 Pagespoet can help the inspiration to sing – I was born with the Evil One standing as my sponsor beside the bed where I was ushered in the world, and he has been with me since† (Troy, Taylor). This statement was a quoted confession from Dr. H. H. Holmes himself in 1896. Holmes was the first major serial killer in America, even though he came after many others in his time. Thomas Neil Cream, the Austin Axe Murderer, the Bloody Benders, and Jack the Ripper came before him. His name was originally Herman WebsterRead MoreH. Holmes : The First American Serial Killer1332 Words   |  6 PagesH. H. Holmes Henry Herman Holmes was known to many as the first American serial killer. Better known as just H. H. Holmes, he committed many murders in a suburb on the south side of Chicago during the late 1800’s. Holmes once admitted to police that he killed 27 people, but many actually predict that the number of murders he committed is near 200 (Handley). So what is the real number of people that he killed? Let’s take a closer look at the facts of Holmes’ life, occupation, and the mansionRead MoreThe White City By Erik Larson887 Words   |  4 PagesWhite City† surrounds the events of the 1893 Columbian Exposition World’s Fair in Chicago. Larson does a magnificent job intertwining the lives of two men who were changed by the events of the fair. Daniel H. Burnham, the brilliant architect behind the legendary 1893 World s Fair and Dr. H. H. Holmes, the cunning serial killer who used the fair to lure his victims to their death. The purpose of this review is not only to summarize Larson’s fascinating and satisfying work which vividly portrays oneRead MoreModern Architecture, Ferris Wheels, 1500 Pound Chocolate Bars1787 Words   |  8 Pages Classical architecture, ferris wheels, 1500 pound chocolate bars. These new, unheard of attractions at the Columbian Exposition attracted millions of unsuspecting, innocent guests to the preying ground of the narcissistic Dr. H. H. Holmes. Chicago, Illinois, the host of the 1983 World’s Fair, was home to this sadistic serial killer who attracted his prey using his education and occupation as a means to gain trust from new, unsuspecting travelers from the 46 nations who participated in the expositionRead MoreSummary Of Erik Larson s The Devil s The Red Devil And Where Is The White City1176 Words   |  5 Pagesentwines two true stories that, at first glance, don t seem to have much to do with each other: First, the story of architect and urban planner, Daniel H. Burnham, who mas terminded the 1893 World s Fair in Chicago; second, the tale of Dr. H. H. Holmes, who has been called America s first serial killer. By now, you ve probably guessed that Holmes, who may have lured more than 200 people to their deaths in an elaborately-constructed building dubbed ‘The Murder Castle’, is the Devil of Larson s titleRead MoreThe Night At The Corner Of A Street1686 Words   |  7 Pagesseem like something out of a horror movie, these horrid events really did take place. This so called hotel, known today as â€Å"The Murder Castle†, was an elaborate contraption created by Herman Webster Mudgett, who is more commonly known as H. H. Holmes. Dr. Holmes opened The World’s Fair Hotel, now referred to as The Murder Castle, where he killed and dissected his victims in order to feed his insatiable bloodlust and greed. This man might as well have been the Devil himself, and his hotel the Devil’sRead MoreBeing Too Brilliant Is Dangerous1073 Words   |  5 Pageslead to him committing insurance fraud and the stealing of corpses. After moving to Chicago, he continued the fraud an d began the homicides. He had many girlfriends and wives, women tended to fall for his charm, which lead to their death. Henry H. Holmes did terrible things, from tricking people to killing them, but the intelligence behind his actions is what kept him from getting caught for so many years. Herman Webster Mudgett was born on May 16, 1861 in Gilmanton, New Hampshire. As a child

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