Monday, December 30, 2019

Life of Simplicity - 962 Words

James A Life of Simplicity We are always taught while growing up that we must always aim for the stars, that life can always get better, if and only if you aim big. We are taught that a great life can only be achieved through material and monetary means. That your self worth is only equal to what you own. The aim of society is no longer to be free and live a life of comfort but to be a part of the bigger picture and feed the machine. Henry David Thoreau expresses his concern on these issues in detail in his works Walden and â€Å"Civil Disobedience†. Life should be led with simplicity. This is Thoreau’s mantra as he began his two-year experience of minimalist living. Thoreau is explicit that life should not be so difficult and so†¦show more content†¦As the protests grew so did the action against them. The local police were given riot gear and threw tear gas in the streets. Reporters were arrested when they tried to report on this issue. Tanks were eventually b rought in and the officers removed they’re name badges in a final act of separating themselves from their actions. This is not a government that is protecting the people or keeping them free but keeping them in line. As Thoreau said, â€Å" [The Government] does not keep the country free. It does not settle the West. It does not educate. The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished, and it would have one somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way.† The beginning of this passage really nails the issue with part of America’s government currently. It is not about freedom or educating as the passage states later. If it were about either of those others would not berate us for questioning the government’s moves. If it were about freedom would have more access to certain things that are considered to be a luxury. We would be able to do what we wanted (within reason) if that were true. The ideas of a simple life and a government that actually serves the people are two of Henry David Thoreau’s largest issues. He wrote extensively on how he lived a truly simple life and how rewarding it was. He lead a life to be somewhat envied. How many of us could just give up everything we have now and justShow MoreRelated e. e. cummings Poem of Simplicity in Life Essay1738 Words   |  7 Pagese. e. cummings Poem of Simplicity in Life This poem by e. e. cummings describes the link between age and happiness by relating the two with simplicity. With this simplicity, however, there is a break from reality, and there are consequences. We can only do what is natural for us. you shall above all things be glad and young by e. e. cummings you shall above all things be glad and young. For if youre young, whatever life you wear it will become you;and if you are glad whateversRead MoreThe Dignity of Simplicity1510 Words   |  7 PagesThe Dignity Of Simplicity (The State Of Being True By Me) I. Introduction As Albert Einstein said, â€Å"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.† It’s true; everything should be pared down as much as possible to fit our lives, but not beyond that point or we have actually crossed the line into complication. According to my friends, dignity is simplicity itself. You should just be yourself, the simplest you can be. Simplicity is how you respect yourself from being simpleRead MoreQuiz on Philosophy and Reasoning859 Words   |  3 Pages(data, numbers, statistics), examples from real life, the results of research experiments, references to authority figures, and metaphors. 4. On pages 20-23, Thoreau makes an argument for simplicity, simplicity! In two to three sentences, explain at least one of his reasons for his argument that we should live more simply. (see pdf page 20-21 page 22-23) Thoreau advocates for simplicity for several reasons. One is that Thoreau believes our life is frittered away by detail, (20). 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White writes a 1900’s narrative about his visit to his childhood lake where he shockingly discovers how nature reveals the essence of life. While Once More to the Lake by E.B. White is a subtle portrayal that compares nature to simplicity, Where I Lived and What I Lived For by HenryRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Into The Wild By Jon Krakauer1669 Words   |  7 Pagesnonconformity, and simplicity are three cardinal elements to transcendentalism. Deliberate living is compatible with this philosophy because directing your life based on desire and inclination is necessary to living a life worth living; simplicity is imperative to this ideology because in order to learn about one’s self, you must sometimes live without distractions. Nonconformity is essential to this philosophy because living deliberately takes nonconforming to society to fulfill your longings in life. SimplicityRead MoreConsumed by Beauty in Death in venice by Thomas Mann Essay620 Words   |  3 Pages Consumed in Beauty â€Å"A kind of delicacy †¦ seriously beyond his year† (25). Life for humans is dictated by the yearning for more through our experiences. We strive for more knowledge, more wealth, and more happiness, but it all is endless like an abyss. Beauty, however, is pure and can be found in the simplest matters in life. Throughout the novel Death in Venice, by Thomas Mann, Aschenbach works his whole life rigorously day by day searching for more and more until his introduction to Tadzio inRead MoreFocusing on the Unnecessary Details of Life Essay1190 Words   |  5 PagesOpening Question: Life is short, so why do people tend to focus on the unnecessary details within their lives? Introduction: â€Å"Simplicity is the key to brilliance.† This quote from Bruce Lee goes thoroughly follows Henry David Thoreau’s argument in his essay titled â€Å"Where I Lived, and What I Lived For.† Thoreau believes that each person should cherish the individual; in order to do so, the trivial details must be left alone. According to Thoreau, â€Å"After a night’s sleep the news is as indispensableRead MoreHow Does One Find the Miraculous in the Common? Essay example1187 Words   |  5 Pagesa state Emerson explains as, â€Å"†¦a transparent eye-ball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God.† To Emerson, nature is similar to personal bliss; a person can be distanced from life trifles and find tranquility within the noise. However, the only way to achieve such an experience is though the independent thought expressed in â€Å"Self Reliance†. By distancing oneself from the noi se of opinions and retreating into nature, seeing simpleRead MoreChris Mccandless Essay819 Words   |  4 PagesThree Values In a society where individualism, simplicity and the divinity of nature, are no longer a top priority; many individuals go on odysseys to find those values. That is the case of Chris McCandless, who spend the last portion of his life living out his philosophy on life. Looking for who he was and what he believed in. Chris McCandless led a life that was similar to that of transcendentalists, through their shared values and outlooks on life. The first key value of transcendentalism is

Sunday, December 22, 2019

H. H. Holmes - 1891 Words

The Real Monster of the Midway Serial Killers are nothing new to today’s society. Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy shocked our nation with their violent, brutal, and at times unbelievable crimes, although none of them were as notorious as Herman Webster Mudgett better known as Dr. H.H. Holmes. A man that carried himself as a smart, intellectual member of society, but in reality he was a smooth talking conman and very disturbed individual. A man who designed and built a building with torture rooms that would serve as his play house. Being born and raised in Chicago, I enjoy learning about its rich history. I had heard about this serial killer before, but I was not aware of his complete story. I am taking this†¦show more content†¦He had several stores and a restaurant in the building. The third floor had rooms and offices to rent and it contained Holmes’s bedroom but it was the 2nd floor that had the horrible secret of the building. This floor had 35 rooms all designed as killing chambers, his victims would get caught up in this maze where doors lead nowhere and once they would turn a corner Holmes would surprise them and eventually kill them. Now the basement was worst of them all he had a chute that led down there so he could easily dispose of the bodies, it was like a medieval torture chamber, acid vats, quick lime pits and crematorium and this is where he would clean his victim’s bones and mount them and sell them to local universities and medical schools. Now, I have heard of some of the things that serial killers have done but this takes the cake, it made my stomach turn. In the fall of 1889, Holmes meets Benjamin Frelon Pitezel; He had a wife, Carrie and 5 children, Dessie, Alice, Nellie, Howard and infant son Wharton. He came to Chicago after traveling the Midwest for 10 years because he continually failed at keeping a job and he also had been arrested several times for crimes ranging from petty larceny to forgery, he also drank heavily. He was looking for a job and answers an ad for a carpenter for a building being built in Englewod. There he meets H.H. Holmes and they become friends. He becomes Holmes’sShow MoreRelatedH. H. Holmes2284 Words   |  10 PagesDR. H. H. Holmes, One of Americas first Serial Killers. Tommy Smith Criminal Justice Case Study Instructor: Dennis Stephens 3/24/11 Bibliography Borowski, John (November 2005). Estrada, Dimas. ed. The Strange Case of Dr. H. H. Holmes: Worlds First Serial Killer. West Hollywood, CA: Waterfront Productions. â€Å"H. H. Holmes Biography.† 2011 AE Television Networks Holmes, H. H. Holmes Own Story. Burk McFetridge, 1895. Ramsland, KatherineRead MoreCase study on Dr. H. H. Holmes1268 Words   |  6 Pages Clinical Psychology Case study of Dr. H.H. Holmes Case Overview Dr. H.H. Holmes is considered America s first serial killer. The number of victims is estimated to be 27, and later discoveries of corpses revealed as many as 200. Holmes initially committed crimes such as fraud and forgery. In 1893 he built a three story building and named it the castle as a hotel, drug store, and commercial store fronts for the Chicago World s Fair. Holmes used the windowless hotel to lure his victims inRead MoreSerial Killers: H. H. Holmes Essay2491 Words   |  10 Pagesthe Ripper was executing his victims in London, Holmes began his gruesome career in Chicago (America’s Serial Killers). â€Å"Despite being America’s first serial killer, Holmes is hardly a familiar name and until now we haven’t had any popular visual record of his crimes: (Spikol). Why is it that people only think of the more popular killers with higher known profiles? They are all very similar to one another because they share characteristics. H.H. Holmes was a successful serial killer because he wasRead MoreDr. H. H. Holmes: Americas First Serial Killer Essay1527 Words   |  7 Pagespoet can help the inspiration to sing – I was born with the Evil One standing as my sponsor beside the bed where I was ushered in the world, and he has been with me since† (Troy, Taylor). This statement was a quoted confession from Dr. H. H. Holmes himself in 1896. Holmes was the first major serial killer in America, even though he came after many others in his time. Thomas Neil Cream, the Austin Axe Murderer, the Bloody Benders, and Jack the Ripper came before him. His name was originally Herman WebsterRead MoreH. Holmes : The First American Serial Killer1332 Words   |  6 PagesH. H. Holmes Henry Herman Holmes was known to many as the first American serial killer. Better known as just H. H. Holmes, he committed many murders in a suburb on the south side of Chicago during the late 1800’s. Holmes once admitted to police that he killed 27 people, but many actually predict that the number of murders he committed is near 200 (Handley). So what is the real number of people that he killed? Let’s take a closer look at the facts of Holmes’ life, occupation, and the mansionRead MoreThe White City By Erik Larson887 Words   |  4 PagesWhite City† surrounds the events of the 1893 Columbian Exposition World’s Fair in Chicago. Larson does a magnificent job intertwining the lives of two men who were changed by the events of the fair. Daniel H. Burnham, the brilliant architect behind the legendary 1893 World s Fair and Dr. H. H. Holmes, the cunning serial killer who used the fair to lure his victims to their death. The purpose of this review is not only to summarize Larson’s fascinating and satisfying work which vividly portrays oneRead MoreModern Architecture, Ferris Wheels, 1500 Pound Chocolate Bars1787 Words   |  8 Pages Classical architecture, ferris wheels, 1500 pound chocolate bars. These new, unheard of attractions at the Columbian Exposition attracted millions of unsuspecting, innocent guests to the preying ground of the narcissistic Dr. H. H. Holmes. Chicago, Illinois, the host of the 1983 World’s Fair, was home to this sadistic serial killer who attracted his prey using his education and occupation as a means to gain trust from new, unsuspecting travelers from the 46 nations who participated in the expositionRead MoreSummary Of Erik Larson s The Devil s The Red Devil And Where Is The White City1176 Words   |  5 Pagesentwines two true stories that, at first glance, don t seem to have much to do with each other: First, the story of architect and urban planner, Daniel H. Burnham, who mas terminded the 1893 World s Fair in Chicago; second, the tale of Dr. H. H. Holmes, who has been called America s first serial killer. By now, you ve probably guessed that Holmes, who may have lured more than 200 people to their deaths in an elaborately-constructed building dubbed ‘The Murder Castle’, is the Devil of Larson s titleRead MoreThe Night At The Corner Of A Street1686 Words   |  7 Pagesseem like something out of a horror movie, these horrid events really did take place. This so called hotel, known today as â€Å"The Murder Castle†, was an elaborate contraption created by Herman Webster Mudgett, who is more commonly known as H. H. Holmes. Dr. Holmes opened The World’s Fair Hotel, now referred to as The Murder Castle, where he killed and dissected his victims in order to feed his insatiable bloodlust and greed. This man might as well have been the Devil himself, and his hotel the Devil’sRead MoreBeing Too Brilliant Is Dangerous1073 Words   |  5 Pageslead to him committing insurance fraud and the stealing of corpses. After moving to Chicago, he continued the fraud an d began the homicides. He had many girlfriends and wives, women tended to fall for his charm, which lead to their death. Henry H. Holmes did terrible things, from tricking people to killing them, but the intelligence behind his actions is what kept him from getting caught for so many years. Herman Webster Mudgett was born on May 16, 1861 in Gilmanton, New Hampshire. As a child

Friday, December 13, 2019

Understand the expected pattern Free Essays

Explain the sequence and the rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years The sequence of child development means the expected development of a child from birth to 19 years. Child development refers to the biological and psychological and emotional changes that occur within this time. As the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy. We will write a custom essay sample on Understand the expected pattern or any similar topic only for you Order Now Because these developmental changes may be strongly influenced by genetic factors and events during prenatal life, genetics and prenatal development are usually included as part of the study of child development. Related terms include developmental psychology, referring to development throughout the lifespan, and paediatrics, the branch of medicine relating to the care of children. Developmental change may occur as a result of genetically-controlled processes known as maturation, or as a result of environmental factors and learning, but most commonly involves an interaction between the two. It may also occur as a result of human ature and our ability to learn from our environment. Human beings have a keen sense to adapt to their surroundings and this is what child development encompasses. Each child usually develops at the same rate as another child. Age Intellectual Social / Emotional Language Gross motor Fine Motor Infant – Birth to one year Learns about things with hands and mouth Attaches to mother and father, begins to recognise faces and smile; at about 6 months begins to recognise parents and expresses fear of strangers. Plays simple interactive games like peek-a-boo Vocalises, squeals and imitates sounds, says ‘dada’ and ‘mama’Lifts ead first then chest, rolls over, pulls to sit, crawls and stands alone Reaches for objects and picks up small items; grasps rattle Toddler 1-2 years Learns words for objects and people Learns that self and parent(s) are different or separate from each other, imitates and performs tasks, indicates needs or wants without crying Says some words other than ‘dada’ and ‘mama’, follows simple instructionsWalks well, kicks, stops and Jumps in place, throws balls Unbuttons clothes, builds tower of 4 cubes, scribbles, uses spoon, picks up very small object Presch0012-5 years How to cite Understand the expected pattern, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Kirk Samuda Riordan Manufacturing free essay sample

Mr. Jeffrey Mc Nickle Riordan Manufacturing must acknowledge that the initiation of any project can get a black eye because of implementation problems. As such, they should realize that the major overall problem with implementation is that complexities associated with it, usually occurs when the solution is deployed. Hence, many of the details of implementation must be planned ahead of time. The HR amp; IT departments cannot start planning for implementation at the same time that the actually implementing is occurring. It must be noted, that the implementation stage of this project is where all the information gathered in the prior phases begin to take on a shape. This phase will reflect the construction of the detailed project results, this is where things are done, and a momentum is kicked into gear via the preparation of many programmers, who will be busy writing codes, as contractors are constructing, and Systems Analyst are frantically involved in developing materials. Diagram shows the six steps involved in the implementation phase. Coding Coding Installation Testing Documentation Training Support The first activity involved in the implementation phase is the coding activity. Riordan Manufacturing must now prepare for the designing of a system that puts into account all the information that was gathered during the prior 3 phases. Upon completion, the next sub activity required is for the programmers to commence the coding phase and to translate the design of the system into codes using the most appropriate and effective programming language. For an authorized HRIS design, the objective of this coding phase is to implement the HRIS structure in the best possible way. The coding phase will affect both the testing and maintenance activities profoundly. A set of strategically well written codes will reduce the testing and maintenance activities. However, Since the testing and maintenance cost of software are much higher than the coding cost, the objective of writing codes is intended to reduce the testing and maintenance effort. Hence, during coding the focus should be on developing programs that is easy to write. Clarity and simplicity should be of the highest importance during the coding phase. For The HRIS to be successfully coded, an important concept that helps simplify the application is structured programming. Riordan Manufacturing must emphasize on using structured programming for the development of its HRIS, with the goal being the arrangement and control flow of the application. Simplified, this means the program text should be organized in a sequence of statements that executes in a manner which makes it quite traceable. An example of what codes are, can be seen below. 10PRINT â€Å" Riordan Manufacturing Corporation â€Å" Testing the software will provide to Riordan’s management, an independent and objective view of the software, which allows Riordan Manufacturing to understand and appreciate all the processes invested in software implementation. Test techniques include the process of executing a program with the intent of finding software errors. It is very important for the managers of Riordan Manufacturing to play a role in the software testing process, and be informed of the pre-requisites or sub-processes involved in the validation of the computer program. These sub-processes must * meet the requirements that guided its design and development, * work as expected, * be implemented with the same characteristics, * satisfy the needs of stakeholders. According to Wikipedia. com, software testing, depending on the testing method employed, can be implemented at any time in the development process. Traditionally most of the test effort occurs after the requirements have been defined and the coding process has been completed, but in the agile approaches most of the test effort is on-going. As such, the methodology of the test is governed by the chosen software development methodology. The process of testing, is normally preceded by strategic coding by programmers, who normally initiate software testing as they write codes. This most naturally, is dependent on the testing method employed, and may be implemented at any point during the development process. Because of the urgency for this application, it is recommended that Riordan Manufacturing, take advantage of a more traditional model, where most of the test execution occurs after each module is defined and coded, and after the coding process has been completed. The design below is an example of the first stages of Coding the HRIS 10PRINT â€Å" Riordan Manufacturing Corporation â€Å"; SPC 20PRINT â€Å" Human Resources Information System (HRIS) † 30 PRINT â€Å" Copyright for Riordan Manufacturing 2013 – 2014† SPC;SPC 40INPUT ; PRINT â€Å" Please enter your Employee Pass code, †; EMPLPCODE 50IF EMPLPCODE = â€Å"X†, THEN 100 ELSE 200 100PRINT â€Å" Welcome to RMC – HRIS version 1. 0 â€Å" 200PRINT â€Å" Error Log – There is a problem with the software, debugging†¦. † The results of the test, reflecting the actual codes after execution are important deliverables. The diagram below shows the results of the codes written above. Because the process may be different for each computer, The HRIS program may be designed with an installer, which is a special program responsible for all the necessary functions during installation. Hence, the actual job to install this HRIS application and its configuration can be performed by the IT Staff of Riordan, or anyone familiar with computers. The fourth activity in the implementation phase is called the documentation activity, at this point the software has been written and tested, and must be documented on different premises. There are various types of documentation that accompanies the various processes or activities within the implementation phase, these are source code documentation which is the written text that comes with HRIS codes, that simply either explains how it operates or how to use it, and may mean various things to individuals in different roles. It must be noted that documentation is an integral function of the engineering of this HRIS application. There are a few types of documentation that are very important prior to the completion of the implementation. They are the Requirements Documentation and the End User Documentation. The Requirements Documentation will include the capabilities, qualities, attributes, and characteristics of the HRIS, reflecting the foundation for what has been designed and implemented, and how the new HRIS will function. The End User Documentation is very descriptive of the individual options and features of the new Application, and will assist the user in realizing and effectively using all the features of the new HRIS. Simplicity and consistency are valuable tools as they constitute a software contract specifying functionalities outlined within the initial design. The fifth and sixth activities in the implementation phase are the training and support activities. It is very important that Riordan Manufacturing have their IT Team, train all members of staff on how to effectively use this new HRIS, or its intended purpose will be defeated. Training is the conduit that brings people to the software, which ultimately will reflect the intended purpose of the development, and generate the expected results. Maintaining and supporting the HRIS is very important as it ensures that problems as they occur are corrected, and that changes that bring out the expected resolve are done promptly and for the benefit of Riordan. Conclusively, the benefits of using defined and repeatable processes for accomplishing these activities for the implementation stage will show that companies such as Riordan will have a higher rate of success. The development of repeatable processes reduces unwanted variation and allows for the more efficient use of limited resources. It’s very essential that an ongoing collaboration between HR and IT be realized so as to permit the continued updating of the organizations goals and objectives and the education of stakeholders. Imperative to the defined processes, is a concise documentation and understanding of the current business culture; and the application of these insights towards the development of repeatable processes which align with the desired business results of Riordan Manufacturing’s ability to find its significant process variations and gaps. References www. Wikipedia. com http://www. tdktech. com/repeatable-processes